The Enduring Ephemeral

Artists |  Zhuo Xiong

Curator | Hari
Duration | 2022/11/5-12/11

Object Momento is honoured to announce the solo exhibition, The Enduring Ephemeral, of artist Zhuo Xiong. Curated by Hari, it shows his recent works consisting of 17 paintings. It is an attempt to deliver his abstract symbols that entail thoughts and memories once belonged to himself. The exhibition will be open until the 11th of December.

The encounters in Zhuo Xiong’s works are never isolated events. They constitute a constructed and constructing construct of narrative within him. Zhuo Xiong considers the action of memorising as repositioning himself in these episodes. It is a natural infusion of thoughts into his body and mind. When the memories offer him something, he considers such serendipity a process of reciprocity between his past and present. The mutual exchange has allowed abstract impressions to be reabsorbed.

Often combining various media and materials with painting, Zhuo Xiong explores the complexities of techniques. Noticeably in the two-dimensional photos of his paintings, there is always blank space. Zhuo Xiong is not constrained by the frame; his paintings often spill out to the sides of the canvas.

There is a subtle tactile quality to Zhuo Xiong’s works. He has diluted his thoughts into viscosity - a state half-way between solid and liquid. Yielding. Malleable. They are coming towards us. His inquiry into the world is a reconciliation with his childhood then and the reality now. The abstract symbols as ambiguous clues provide a rather personal account into his current state of being - an entity filled with faith and confusion. While witnessing his seemingly arbitrary portrayals of pigs and dogs, of humans, of artefacts, of man-made events we are also guided into an assemblage of moments entailing his proximity to the world.

About the curator

Hari is an independent curator and writer. Bachelor's degree in Social Anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies. Master’s degree in Curating Contemporary Art from the Royal College of Art. Academic interests: anthropological observation in the field of contemporary art and culture, ecology and sustainability within the curatorial, ethics and art law.